Bizzare productivity hacks
Bizzare productivity hacks. Ditch that to-do list and get 40 hours of work done in 30 minutes! That‘s what I would say if I were a lifestyle guru and tried

5 random things you did not know were Spanish inventions
You might have many foreign friends who are proud of their country‘s heritage and go bragging about it all over the place. One of the sources of national pride is

Fitness and health in quarantine
Among all of the changes that we are going through, fitness and health might not be the highest priority. Working, studying, or doing an internship from home can get stressful,

Tips for learning a new language
Learning a new language is a rather unoriginal goal – yet one that so many people fail. If you made such a resolution this New Year’s Eve and still have

Tips for an amazing speech
Fear of public speaking is something many of us suffer from. According to some research, people are less afraid of snakes than speaking in front of a group of people.

TikTok impact during the Covid-19 pandemic
TikTok seems to be all the hype with Generation Z and beyond. The app that was founded in 2016 as a descendent of musical.ly has been swiftly growing in popularity,

Laptop vs. Notebook: How to make the most out of your classes?
Remembering the good old days of face-to-face classes brings back an image of everyone rushing into the room – and hastily taking their laptops out, turning them on, looking for

¿Eres nuevo en Madrid? Estas apps te cambiarán la vida
Llegué a Madrid hace tres años y recuerdo lo perdida que estaba entre los pasos de cebra y las personas. Las veía caminando acostumbradas, con una confianza total en las

¡Llegó Navidad! Organiza tus tareas con estas recomendaciones y disfruta de las fiestas
Llegó la Navidad y con ella las fiestas, la familia, los amigos y los planes. Es un momento para disfrutar, despedir el año y recibir el próximo con todas las

Mi experiencia con la increíble metodología Bullet Journal
Seguro has escuchado hablar de la metodología del Bullet Journal y es porque muchas personas alrededor del mundo han aprovechado esta increíble herramienta para organizar su cotidianidad. En esta oportunidad,

Entérate de los mejores lugares que te ofrece Madrid para estudiar fuera de casa
¿Te sientes un poco abrumado por estar tanto tiempo estudiando en casa? ¿Quisieras encontrar algunos lugares que te permitan despejarte y concentrarte mientras estudias? En esta oportunidad, hemos preparado una

10 consejos para que la concentración no sea un obstáculo al estudiar
Por experiencia personal, se que estudiar online es un reto para la concentración. Por eso, quiero darte 10 consejos para que no sea un obstáculo al estudiar y puedas tener

Winter in Spain
While not technically here, one could argue that Winter is right around the corner with the solstice being December 23rd. The weather in Madrid during the winter months tends to

Las mejores Apps para organizarte al estudiar online
Aunque estudiar online tiene muchas ventajas, también requiere de mucha organización para poder aprovechar el tiempo y rendir de forma óptima. Por eso, te queremos recomendar las mejores Apps para

Constitution Day in Spain
While not here just yet, this week we’ll be covering Constitution Day in Spain which occurs every year on December 6. Constitution Day dates back to June 15, 1978 when

Aquí están las 7 preguntas que debes hacerte antes de escoger tu curso online
Sabemos lo difícil que puede ser escoger el curso online que mejor se adapte a tus objetivos frente a la variedad de opciones. Es una decisión importante, por eso deberás

History of Madrid: Part II
On our last post about the history of Madrid, we left on the reconstruction of the Plaza. After the War of the Spanish Succession, the Bourbons took reign of what

Conoce las increíbles ventajas de estudiar de forma online
¿Aún no estás seguro de dar el salto para estudiar a distancia? Te damos cinco ventajas que te harán descubrir porque cada día son más las personas que se suman

Organizing Day Trips
Going abroad during college for a semester or year can be such an exciting time! Many students go abroad the same time as their friends and want to visit them

History of Madrid: Part I
The beautiful, diverse country of Spain is composed of 17 autonomous regions, with Madrid being its capital. Spain has been conquered and been influenced by several different populations whose effects

Me gustaría tomar una sangría, por favor
When visiting Spain, ordering a glass of sangria to accompany a classic paella dish is a must-do. Sangria has a long history in the Iberic peninsula, and it’s meaning “bloodletting”

¡Felices Fiestas del Pilar!
This is a busy week for the country of Spain, between La Fiesta Nacional de España and Las Fiestas del Pilar. For the purpose of this article, we will be

La Fiesta Nacional de España
La Fiesta Nacional de España is an annual, national holiday that takes place on October 12 where many businesses close their doors for the day to observe the significance of

How to Make Online Classes a Success!
This school year will certainly be a year to remember. Whether classes are synchronous via Blackboard Collaborate, Canvas, Zoom, Skype for Business or Google Meet, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed

¡Bailemos Flamenco!
One of the amazing wonders of visiting Spain is being able to sit back and relax while eating authentic tapas and the best sangria while appreciating the talented flamenco dancers

5 Tips for Online Learning
Create a study space that is free of distractions. Studying in the same space consistently conditions your mind to know that this is your place for studying. You should also avoid

Migrar a Madrid fue mi gran respiro
Todo empieza cuando vine por primera vez a Madrid en Diciembre 2016 a visitar a mis amigos que habían migrado y tenia tiempo sin ver, era simplemente una visita sin

8 razones para estudiar en Madrid
Hay cosas que toda persona debería hacer al menos una vez en la vida, y una de ellas es vivir una temporada en Madrid. La primera vez que vine fue

7 razones para estudiar un Máster de Turismo en España
Cuando piensas en estudiar un Máster en otro país, lo primero que te viene a la mente y cómo te diseñará para el mercado laboral. Mucho más que pensar en

A walk through Madrid
Being able to explore Madrid again has made us feel overwhelmed with all the possibilities of where to go and what to see. After not being able to see anything,

Top Terraces: Madrid
We have finally been in phase one for a little while now! This means that we can go to terraces again and enjoy a nice glass of sangria or a

How to skill build in Quarantine
After several weeks of being Quarantined, life will most likely become somewhat boring. In order to avoid that you can always work on a skill and improve one or maybe

Fun Online Games
A great way to spend your time in quarantine is to play games. Unfortunately, it is currently not that simple to play a fun and competitive board game with your

Daily Quarantine Routine
Living in quarantine might make it difficult to live a well-organized and structured life. Your sleep schedule may be disturbed, because you are probably doing a lot less, so your

Five Easy Spanish Recipes
After being quarantined for a little while now, you might start running out of ideas and inspiration to cook. You can’t only eat instant noodle soup, pizza, or other microwavable

What To Do in Quarantine?
The last few weeks the world took an unexpected turn and now we are obligated to stay inside for at least two weeks to avoid the coronavirus. No gym, no

Top 10 Best Spanish Tapas
Madrid consists of many amazing places and buildings, has a great culture with kind locals, and most importantly, serves delicious food. When you are in Spain you obviously must eat

Apps You Should Have in Madrid
When you move to Madrid there are a lot of things you will need (to do). For example, you will need food, you will need to travel, pay for a

Six Places to Study: Madrid
Madrid has many amazing places to visit, however most of us need to study in the meantime as well. Luckily, this does not mean that you have to lock yourself

Coolest Areas of Madrid
Madrid, the capital and the most densely populated city in Spain. Beautiful, alternative, elegant and cosmopolitan are some words that perfectly characterize this city. The streets are always full of

Valentine Dates: Taken vs. Single
Now that Valentine’s Day is near, let’s take a look at some great date locations in Madrid both for those who are and who are not in a relationship. Parque

Five Must-Sees in Madrid
Madrid is the capital of Spain and one of the most international, lively, and fascinating cities in the world. There are many places you must see and visit when you

Five reasons to Study Abroad
Living in the same country for your whole life gives you the comfort of a place you can happily call ‘home’. It’s usually somewhere your heart feels at peace, where

Finding Their Ways in Madrid
You probably didn’t know this, but at Be Madrid, we are a team of international students. That’s right! Like you, we have all had to come to Madrid and discover

Money Management in Madrid
Life in Madrid is beautiful, but it is also an expense that I have learned how to control to the best of my ability. As a student living here myself,

Rooftops of Madrid
Arriving in June with the expected warm climate, it made sense to take advantage of the abundance of rooftops Madrid. Through recommendation and research (which obviously means visiting such establishments

Madrid: What to Expect Upon Arrival
By: Natalie Chai / Boston University Student / Be Madrid Summer Intern I had just finished my junior year of college at Boston University and was heading to

Best Internet Cafes in Madrid
We all know that working inside an office might not always be the most inspiring work environment, which is why I prefer taking my laptop with me and find inspiration

Hidden Gems of Madrid
While Plaza Mayor, Sol and Parque Retiro will never get old, you might have already gone there so many times that you’re in need of a change of scenery. If

So you want to be a Madrileño?
Going to a new country is a whirlwind of emotions—whether that be excitement, nerves, jet lag or the “Soooo, what now?” feeling that you can never really pinpoint. Thankfully, you’re

A Trip to Galicia
Galicia, Spain’s northwest province, is a beautiful place that anyone studying in Madrid should take the time to visit. Its prime location—the region has borders with Portugal, the Atlantic Ocean

Top 5 Currency Exchange Tips
We all know how frustrating currency exchange can be when traveling to a new country. We have all heard horror stories of being charged loads of money just to exchange

Why you should visit Morocco
Morocco is a country full of life, culture and history. With its varied and beautiful landscapes, it is a destination worth visiting! From the north to the south, we listed

Spanglish survival methods
Living in Spain has been quite the challenge, and as you can probably tell by the title of this story, it has a lot to do with speaking Spanish, or

Madrid’s best friends forever
Going abroad as an Erasmus/exchange student , an Au Pair or an Auxiliary of Conversation can be more than just moving to another country. Being a student abroad is a

La Vida Dulce
Everyone knows that churros con chocolate are a must when you’re in Madrid, but if you have a big sweet tooth and like to explore, check out these famous and